Matter by Armada

A Comprehensive Web3 as a Platform

Matter by Armada is a revolutionary platform that leverages the power of blockchain technology to redefine the digital landscape. Comprising four main systems - Matter Marketplace, Matter RWA, Matter Launchpad, and GameChanger - the platform is built on the Armada blockchain and offers interoperability with other EVM-compatible chains. This whitepaper provides an in-depth exploration of the platform, its workings, and its potential impact on the digital world.

What is Matter by Armada and What Does it Achieve?

Matter by Armada is a comprehensive platform designed to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds. It achieves this through four main systems:

Matter Marketplace: An NFT marketplace akin to OpenSea, but based on the Armada blockchain. It allows users to create, buy, sell, and trade NFTs in a decentralized manner.

Matter RWA: A Real-World Assets (RWA) tokenization platform that competes with platforms like Tangible. It allows for the tokenization of physical assets, making them tradable on the blockchain.

Matter Launchpad: An IDO launchpad that rivals platforms like Binance Launchpad and Seedify. It provides a platform for new projects to raise capital through initial DEX offerings.

GameChanger: A service that transforms web2 games into web3 games, adding token and NFT asset aspects to games via smart contracts. It caters to both regular users and enterprises.

How Does It Work?

Matter Marketplace

The Matter Marketplace operates similarly to other NFT marketplaces but is built on the Armada blockchain. Users can mint NFTs, which are then stored on the blockchain. These NFTs can be bought, sold, or traded on the marketplace. The Armada blockchain ensures fast, secure, and low-cost transactions, making the marketplace more accessible and user-friendly.

Matter RWA

Matter RWA tokenizes real-world assets, allowing them to be traded on the blockchain. The process involves the valuation of the asset, the creation of a digital token representing the asset, and the listing of the token on the platform. This tokenization process democratizes asset ownership and investment, as tokens can be bought and sold in fractions, making previously illiquid assets liquid.

Matter Launchpad

Matter Launchpad provides a platform for new blockchain projects to raise capital. Projects can conduct initial DEX offerings (IDOs) on the platform, selling tokens to investors. The platform provides a secure and transparent environment for these transactions, with smart contracts automating the process and ensuring fairness.


GameChanger converts traditional web2 games into web3 games. It does this by integrating token and NFT asset aspects into games via smart contracts. This allows for the creation of in-game economies, where players can earn, trade, and own digital assets.

Why is it Cool?

Matter by Armada is cool because it leverages blockchain technology to democratize access to digital and real-world assets. It provides a platform for artists, creators, investors, and gamers to participate in the digital economy in ways that were previously not possible. It also simplifies the process of participating in the blockchain space, making it accessible to users who are not necessarily tech-savvy.

\How Does the Ecosystem Work?

The Matter by Armada ecosystem is interconnected, with each system feeding into the others. The Matter Marketplace provides a platform for the trading of NFTs, which can be created from real-world assets tokenized on Matter RWA. New projects launched on Matter Launchpad can also create NFTs or tokens, which can then be traded on the marketplace. GameChanger adds another layer to the ecosystem by integrating blockchain technology into games, creating in-game economies that can interact with the wider ecosystem.

How is it Simple?

Matter by Armada is designed with simplicity in mind. Users can easily navigate the platform, whether they're minting and trading NFTs on the Matter Marketplace, tokenizing real-world assets on Matter RWA, launching a project on Matter Launchpad, or integrating blockchain into their games with GameChanger. The platform's user-friendly interface ensures that users don't need to be blockchain experts to participate in the digital economy.

How Does it Connect to the Real World?

Matter by Armada connects to the real world in several ways. Matter RWA allows for the tokenization of real-world assets, bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds. These tokens can then be traded on the Matter Marketplace, making real-world assets accessible to anyone, anywhere. Furthermore, GameChanger allows for the integration of blockchain technology into existing games, bringing the benefits of blockchain to the gaming industry. The platform also allows for the conversion of digital assets into fiat currencies, enabling users to realize their digital gains in the real world.

Market and Competitor Analysis

As of 2023, the NFT marketplace has seen exponential growth, with platforms like OpenSea leading the way. However, Matter Marketplace, with its Armada blockchain base, offers a competitive edge in terms of transaction speed and cost.

In the realm of real-world asset tokenization, platforms like Tangible have made a mark. Matter RWA, however, stands out with its seamless tokenization process and integration with the Matter ecosystem.

IDO launchpads have become increasingly popular as a fundraising method for new projects. While platforms like Binance Launchpad and Seedify have a strong presence, Matter Launchpad's integration with the Matter ecosystem offers a unique advantage. Dapps and game developers can launch their web3 products all within the Matter suite. The integration ability of web3 assets and RWA within the Matter suite is the future being made reality.

In the gaming industry, the trend of blockchain integration is still in its early stages. GameChanger, with its service that converts web2 games into web3 games, is at the forefront of this trend, offering a unique service with few direct competitors.

Web3 Mass Adoption Starts Here

Matter by Armada is a comprehensive platform that leverages blockchain technology to democratize access to digital and real-world assets. With its four main systems, it offers a unique and interconnected ecosystem that simplifies participation in the digital economy. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Matter by Armada is poised to lead the way in blockchain innovation.

Last updated