Share, Layer-2 for AI Era

Democratizing AI Development with a Secure and Scalable Layer-2 Blockchain Platform

The burgeoning field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds immense promise, but high computational costs, data security concerns, and privacy limitations hinder widespread adoption. SHARE, a Layer-2 blockchain project built by Armada Labs, aims to bridge this gap. This white paper delves into SHARE's architecture, functionalities, and its potential to empower a new era of collaborative and secure AI development.

1. Introduction

Armada Labs, a leading blockchain venture studio introduces SHARE. As the demand for AI development explodes, companies face several challenges:

  • High Costs: Training complex AI models requires significant computing resources, often leading to exorbitant GPU rental fees and infrastructure management costs.

  • Data Security and Privacy: The sensitive nature of training data necessitates robust security measures to prevent breaches and maintain user privacy.

  • Limited Collaboration: Traditional AI development often happens in silos, hindering knowledge sharing and innovation.

2. SHARE: A Game Changer for AI Development

SHARE emerges as a comprehensive solution, addressing the aforementioned challenges and propelling AI development forward. Its core objectives are:

  • Cost Reduction: By leveraging a network of idle GPUs and a Layer-2 blockchain architecture, SHARE offers a cost-effective platform for training even the most complex AI models.

  • Enhanced Security: SHARE prioritizes data security with robust encryption protocols, secure authentication mechanisms, and potentially data anonymization techniques (subject to Armada's future disclosures).

  • Scalability and Efficiency: SHARE's Layer-2 design ensures scalability to accommodate a growing user base and complex AI workloads without compromising efficiency.

  • Fostering Collaboration: SHARE facilitates secure collaboration environments, allowing AI teams to share knowledge and resources seamlessly.

3. The Power of Armada Behind SHARE

SHARE benefits immensely from Armada's established infrastructure and expertise:

  • Secure Transactions: Armada's Secure Knowledge Broker (SKB) technology (or similar technology) underpins secure transactions on the SHARE platform.

  • Know Your Customer (KYC): Armada's KYC protocols ensure user accountability within the SHARE ecosystem.

  • Potential Technology Integration: Integration with potential technology partners of Armada further empowers SHARE's security and performance.

4. Unveiling SHARE's Technical Architecture

SHARE leverages a sophisticated yet adaptable technical architecture designed for security, scalability, and efficiency:

  • Layer-2 Blockchain: By operating on a Layer-2 blockchain built on top of the likes of Arbitrum and Optimism, SHARE enjoys the benefits of both worlds. It inherits the security of the underlying ETH Layer 1 while achieving significantly faster transaction processing and lower costs compared to traditional Layer-2 solutions.

  • Decentralized Network of Idle GPUs: SHARE utilizes a network of idle GPUs contributed by individuals and organizations. This distributed approach provides a vast pool of computing resources at a fraction of the cost of traditional cloud-based GPU rentals.

  • Secure Data Storage and Management: SHARE employs secure storage solutions to safeguard training data and AI models. Data privacy is paramount, with secure communication protocols (e.g., TLS/SSL) and robust authentication mechanisms ensuring data integrity throughout the training process.

  • Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs): (Subject to future confirmation) SHARE explores the potential of ZKPs to verify model execution on-chain without compromising the underlying data, enhancing transparency and trust.

4.1 Technical Specifications


SHARE is built on a Layer-2 blockchain architecture, leveraging platforms such as Arbitrum Mainnet.

Smart Contracts:

SHARE utilizes smart contracts deployed on Arbitrum Mainnet to manage AI model training tasks, data transactions, and user interactions.

Layer-2 Features:

Arbitrum Mainnet offers Layer-2 scaling solutions, providing faster transaction processing and lower costs compared to traditional Layer-1 Ethereum network.

Conduit Integration: tooling is utilized for deploying and managing SHARE smart contracts on Arbitrum Mainnet.

What is Conduit?

Conduit is a powerful deployment and management tool specifically designed for decentralized applications (dApps) on Layer-2 blockchain networks like Arbitrum. It streamlines the process of deploying smart contracts and interacting with the blockchain network, offering a user-friendly interface and robust functionalities to developers.

Why Use Conduit?

  • Simplified Deployment: Conduit simplifies the deployment process of smart contracts on Layer-2 blockchain networks. It abstracts away the complexities of manual deployment, providing developers with a straightforward and intuitive interface to deploy their contracts efficiently.

  • Management Tools: Conduit offers a suite of management tools to streamline the maintenance and monitoring of deployed smart contracts. Developers can easily configure parameters, monitor contract activity, and manage upgrades or changes as needed.

  • Integration with Layer-2 Networks: Conduit is specifically tailored for Layer-2 blockchain networks like Arbitrum. It ensures seamless integration with these networks, leveraging their scalability and cost-efficiency benefits while providing developers with familiar deployment workflows.

  • Enhanced Developer Experience: Conduit prioritizes developer experience, offering a user-friendly interface, comprehensive documentation, and responsive support channels. It empowers developers to focus on building and innovating without being bogged down by deployment complexities.

  • Security and Reliability: Conduit is built with security and reliability in mind, incorporating best practices for smart contract deployment and management. It ensures that contracts are deployed securely and can be efficiently monitored and maintained over time.

In summary, Conduit is an essential tool for developers looking to deploy decentralized applications on Layer-2 blockchain networks like Arbitrum. Its simplicity, integration with Layer-2 networks, cost-effectiveness, and focus on developer experience make it an invaluable asset in the decentralized development ecosystem.

4.2 How to Use SHARE

Deployment Steps:

  1. Preparation: Ensure you have an Ethereum wallet with sufficient ETH for gas fees and an Arbitrum Mainnet compatible wallet.

  2. Contract Compilation: Compile SHARE smart contracts using Solidity compiler or other compatible tools.

  3. Conduit Deployment: Use tooling to deploy compiled SHARE smart contracts to Arbitrum Mainnet.

  4. Initialization: Initialize SHARE platform by configuring initial parameters such as gas limits, transaction fees, and network settings using Conduit.

  5. User Interaction: Users can interact with SHARE platform using compatible Ethereum wallets or dApp browsers, accessing functionalities such as AI model training, data transactions, and collaboration tools.

4.3 Architecture Design


SHARE's architecture is designed for security, scalability, and efficiency in AI model training and data transactions.


  1. Smart Contracts: Deployed on Arbitrum Mainnet, these contracts manage core functionalities of SHARE platform.

  2. Conduit Integration: Facilitates deployment and management of smart contracts on Arbitrum Mainnet.

  3. User Interface: Users interact with SHARE platform through Ethereum wallets or dApp browsers.

  4. Arbitrum Mainnet: Provides Layer-2 scaling solutions for efficient transaction processing and lower costs.

  5. GPU Network: A decentralized network of idle GPUs contributes computing resources for AI model training.

Interaction Flow:

  • Users initiate transactions via Ethereum wallets or dApp browsers, which interact with smart contracts deployed on Arbitrum Mainnet through Conduit integration.

  • Smart contracts handle AI model training tasks, data transactions, and collaboration functionalities, utilizing resources from the GPU network.

  • Conduit manages deployment, configuration, and interaction with smart contracts, ensuring seamless operation of SHARE platform.

This architecture diagram illustrates the components and interactions involved in deploying SHARE on Arbitrum Mainnet using tooling:

  • Users interact with the User Interface to initiate transactions.

  • manages deployment, configuration, and interaction with SHARE smart contracts on Arbitrum Mainnet.

  • SHARE smart contracts handle AI model training, data transactions, and collaboration functionalities, utilizing resources from the decentralized GPU network.

  • Arbitrum Mainnet provides Layer-2 scaling solutions for efficient transaction processing.

  • The decentralized GPU network contributes computing resources for AI model training.

  • This provides an overview of the technical specifications, usage instructions, and architecture design for deploying SHARE on Arbitrum Mainnet using tooling.

5. A Feature-Rich Platform for Streamlined AI Development

SHARE offers a comprehensive suite of features to empower AI developers:

  • Secure and Efficient Training Environment: Access a vast network of idle GPUs for cost-effective training of even the most demanding AI models.

  • Data Marketplace: Acquire high-quality, diverse training data sets while maintaining data privacy through potential anonymization techniques (subject to Armada's future disclosures). SHARE's data marketplace facilitates secure data transactions with clear ownership rights.

  • Supported Data Types: SHARE caters to a variety of data types commonly used in AI development, including text, structured data (CSV format), and potentially image formats (subject to future updates).

  • Secure Collaboration Tools: Foster seamless collaboration within AI development teams by enabling secure data sharing and communication within the SHARE platform.

  • Scalable Model Storage and Management: Efficiently store and manage AI models of varying sizes with SHARE's scalable storage solutions.

6. Use Cases: Unveiling the Potential

SHARE's functionalities cater to a wide range of AI development scenarios across diverse industries:

  • Healthcare: Develop AI models for medical diagnosis, drug discovery, and personalized patient care, ensuring the utmost privacy

  • Finance: Build secure and reliable AI-powered solutions for fraud detection, risk assessment, and personalized financial services.

  • Manufacturing: Optimize production processes, predict equipment failures, and improve quality control with data-driven AI models trained on SHARE.

  • Retail: Develop AI for customer segmentation, personalized marketing campaigns, and intelligent product recommendations.

  • Autonomous Vehicles: Train and refine AI algorithms for self-driving cars in a secure and scalable environment, leveraging SHARE's distributed computing power.

These are just a few examples, and the potential applications of SHARE extend far beyond these sectors. By democratizing access to secure, cost-effective AI development tools, SHARE empowers researchers, startups, and established companies alike to push the boundaries of AI innovation.

7. Scalability and Future Development

SHARE's architecture is designed with scalability in mind to accommodate a growing user base and increasingly complex AI workloads. Here's how SHARE plans to ensure future-proof scalability:

  • High Concurrency Processing: SHARE is continuously evolving to handle a high volume of concurrent AI tasks efficiently, potentially through task scheduling and resource allocation optimizations.

  • Disaster Recovery Mechanisms: Robust disaster recovery mechanisms are being explored to ensure the platform's resilience in the face of unforeseen events.

  • Evolving Tokenomics: The potential role of Armada's native token within the SHARE ecosystem is under consideration. A well-designed tokenomic model can incentivize participation, resource allocation, and overall platform sustainability.

8. Join the SHARE Revolution

SHARE beckons a new era of collaborative, secure, and cost-effective AI development. By participating in the SHARE ecosystem, you gain access to:

  • Reduced AI Development Costs: Leverage the power of a distributed network of idle GPUs for significant cost savings.

  • Enhanced Data Security and Privacy: Train your AI models in a secure environment that prioritizes data integrity and user privacy.

  • Seamless Collaboration: Foster knowledge sharing and accelerate innovation within your AI development teams.

  • A Thriving Developer Community: Become part of a vibrant AI developer community on the cutting edge of technological advancements.

9. Conclusion

SHARE stands as a testament to the transformative power of Layer-3 blockchain technology in the realm of AI development. By dismantling cost barriers, prioritizing security, and fostering collaboration, SHARE empowers a new generation of AI pioneers. Join the SHARE revolution and unlock the limitless potential of AI for a brighter future.

Last updated